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    CEEMET - Posting of Workers revision: Casualty of political debate

    CEEMET (08/03/2016). Today the European Commission presented its proposal for a revision of the Posting of Workers Directive. Regrettably, the revision proposal is not only contrary to the better regulation principle and threatens to cause massive confusion to businesses, it also symbolizes the splitting of the initially planned “Labour Mobility Package”.

    The Commission’s original intention was to promote labour mobility by improving the application of the rules on posting of workers and to initiate parallel legislative improvements to the Social Security Coordination Regulation.

    The de-coupling of the discussion on these two pieces of legislation is particularly problematic in the current European political context: the UK referendum, the migration crisis, the destabilization of Schengen and a general resurgence of protectionist sentiments across Europe. “The Commission is tackling a very political topic at a politically very unstable time” states CEEMET Director General Uwe Combüchen.  

    See more at: http://www.ceemet.org/news/posting-workers-revision-casualty#sthash.7hBabMn2.dpuf
